Trade barriers in Thailand

25 results found

Title Sector Location
Licence applications for chemical substances and construction materials in Thailand Advanced engineering, Consumer and retail, Construction Thailand
Inconsistent certification requirements for fish exports from the UK to Thailand Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Food and drink Thailand
Lengthy application and authorisation procedures for animal and plant product exports to Thailand Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Food and drink, Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology Thailand
New rules affect UK tyre exports to Thailand Automotive Thailand
Common Effective Preferential Tariff scheme in Thailand affecting UK exporters Automotive Thailand
Vehicle standards in Thailand affecting UK exporters Automotive, Advanced engineering Thailand
Complex regulations for cosmetic exports to Thailand Chemicals, Healthcare services Thailand
Labelling requirements for cosmetic exports to Thailand affecting UK exporters and investors Chemicals, Healthcare services Thailand
Production line inspection and product testing in Thailand affects UK exports Construction, Chemicals, Automotive, Technology and smart cities, Consumer and retail Thailand
Packaging and labelling requirements for wine and beer affecting UK exporters/investors in Thailand Food and drink Thailand
Restrictive advertisement requirements for alcohol affecting UK exporters/investors in Thailand Food and drink Thailand
Counterfeit alcohol products affecting UK exporters/investors in Thailand Food and drink Thailand
Restrictions on alcohol sales in Thailand affect UK exporters Food and drink Thailand
High tariffs on alcoholic drinks affect UK exports to Thailand Food and drink Thailand
Restrictive advertising requirements in Thailand affecting UK exporters and investors Food and drink, Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Healthcare services Thailand
Government procurement and supplies management act in Thailand affecting UK exporters Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Construction Thailand
Preferential treatment of state-owned pharmaceutical firms in Thailand affecting UK exporters and investors Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Healthcare services Thailand
Unclear selection process for the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) in Thailand Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Healthcare services, Medical devices and equipment Thailand
Inconsistent registration standards affect UK medical device exports into Thailand Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Medical devices and equipment Thailand
Stringent licence requirements for telecommunications businesses in Thailand affecting UK exporters and investors Technology and smart cities, Financial and professional services : Business and consumer services, Creative industries Thailand
Restrictions on employment of foreign workers All sectors Thailand
Non-Thais can't buy land in Thailand, affecting UK exporters/investors All sectors Thailand
Inconsistent custom procedures affecting exports to Thailand All sectors Thailand
Many areas of work denied to UK citizens in Thailand All sectors Thailand
Foreign Business Act restricting foreign participation in services sector All sectors Thailand

If a trade barrier is affecting your exports or investment from the UK, please let us know on report a trade barrier .

If you export goods you can check duties and customs procedures for your chosen market.

Resolved trade barriers are listed separately.