Trade barriers in Japan

9 results found

Title Sector Location
Some restrictions on UK Beef to Japan remain Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets Japan
Agreement needed to permit bovine semen exports Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets Japan
No agreement to export UK oysters Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets Japan
Engine identification requirements in Japan also cover exports of UK electric motors Automotive Japan
No English-language guidance for Japan’s offshore wind project auctions Energy Japan
Japanese language requirement for wind turbine parts certification process in Japan affecting UK exporters/investors Energy, Maritime Japan
Stringent registration requirements for overseas lawyers in Japan Financial and professional services Japan
Japan’s fluoride content regulations for toothpaste and mouthwash not harmonised with UK Food and drink, Consumer and retail, Healthcare services Japan
Prescription restrictions on new pharmaceuticals in Japan affecting UK exporters and investors Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology Japan

If a trade barrier is affecting your exports or investment from the UK, please let us know on report a trade barrier .

If you export goods you can check duties and customs procedures for your chosen market.

Resolved trade barriers are listed separately.