Trade barriers in China

38 results found

Title Sector Location
UK not permitted to export non-live spider and velvet crabs to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets China
UK not permitted to export meat-based pet food to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets China
UK not permitted to export plant-based pet food to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets China
UK not permitted to export king scallops to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets China
UK not permitted to export herring roe to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets China
Restrictions on UK live brown crabs exports to China due to excessive non-compliant testing results for cadmium Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets China
UK not permitted to export cherries to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Food and drink China
UK not permitted to export goat and sheep dairy products to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Food and drink China
UK not permitted to export poultry to China due to the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza ban Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Food and drink China
UK not permitted to export trout to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Food and drink China
UK not permitted to export hops to China Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Food and drink China
Certification and testing of vehicle imports in China affecting UK exporters Automotive China
Overseas content limited to 30% on Chinese video-streaming sites Creative industries China
Ban on foreign ownership of Chinese TV production companies Creative industries China
Two-month wait for new UK TV formats to gain approval in China Creative industries China
Restrictions on content published by overseas firms online in China Creative industries China
China's ban on UK investment in most audio-visual products and online music services remains Creative industries China
Ban on foreign investment in digital publication and production of audio-visual products Creative industries China
Quota on overseas productions for satellite television in China Creative industries China
Barriers to exporting UK professional qualifications to China Education and training China
Exemptions not granted by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants for courses and exams of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Education and training China
Restrictive requirements for UK early years teachers to work in China Education and training China
Lack of recognition for UK Further Education colleges in China Education and training China
Participation in the Chinese biofuel market Energy China
China's standard setting process for renewable energy policies limits participation of overseas businesses Energy, Environment China
UK investment in China's legal services is prohibited Financial and professional services China
UK lawyers not permitted to sit China's bar exam Financial and professional services China
UK law firms not permitted to practise Chinese law in China Financial and professional services China
UK law firms face discriminatory taxation in China Financial and professional services China
Time restrictions on overseas law companies opening further representative offices in China Financial and professional services China
Restriction on overseas access to design licenses affecting UK architecture and engineering exporters/investors in China Financial and professional services : Business and consumer services, Construction, Advanced engineering China
UK not permitted to export lamb meat to China Food and drink, Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets China
China's Government Procurement Law Sports economy China
Construction of horse racing courses in China is restricted Sports economy China
Difficulty gaining recognition of sports qualifications in China Sports economy, Education and training China
Insufficient protection for live sport game broadcasting Sports economy, Technology and smart cities China
Licensing restrictions on overseas telecommunication services in China Technology and smart cities China
Restrictions on cross-border data transfer and data localisation in China All sectors China

If a trade barrier is affecting your exports or investment from the UK, please let us know on report a trade barrier .

If you export goods you can check duties and customs procedures for your chosen market.

Resolved trade barriers are listed separately.