Trade barriers in Canada

17 results found

Title Sector Location
UK and EU's method for collecting edible blood is not accepted by the CFIA in Canada Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Food and drink Canada
Certification requirements affect UK car exports to Canada Automotive Canada
Delays at the Port of Montreal affecting UK exports to Canada Construction, Food and drink, Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets Canada
UK defence exporters limited by the Canadian Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) policy Defence Canada
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) certification needed for electrical products Energy, Consumer and retail, Technology and smart cities, Advanced engineering Canada
Accountants cannot use the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation in Canada without membership of the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Financial and professional services Canada
High regulatory burden on UK insurance firms operating in Canada Financial and professional services Canada
UK reinsurance firms deterred by high collateral requirements in Canada Financial and professional services Canada
Complex nutritional labelling requirements for imported food and drinks in Canada Food and drink Canada
Ban on selling spirits (alcoholic drinks) in take-out and delivery orders in Quebec affecting exporters/investors Food and drink Canada
Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) affecting UK exports of food products to Canada Food and drink Canada
Fortifications required for simulated meat products exported to Canada Food and drink Canada
Different classifications of blood products affecting access to Export Heath Certificates for UK black pudding producers Food and drink, Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets Canada
Short deadlines affecting UK companies bidding for infrastructure contracts in Canada Maritime, Railways, Advanced engineering, Airports, Construction Canada
Lengthy process to approve medicines and medical devices in Canada Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Medical devices and equipment Canada
Local recruitment requirements for business tax incentives in Quebec Technology and smart cities Canada
Tax advantage for domestic businesses over foreign-based exporters and investors in Canada All sectors Canada

If a trade barrier is affecting your exports or investment from the UK, please let us know on report a trade barrier .

If you export goods you can check duties and customs procedures for your chosen market.

Resolved trade barriers are listed separately.